The Table
What is it? - A community project comprised of faith and non faith volunteers supported and currently funded by local Basildon Churches.
What's its purpose? - To promote the spiritual health and wellbeing of the community.
Where are we at? - The Table opens on Thursday and Friday each week - 9.30 am to 1.30 pm - in St Martin’s Square, Basildon Town.
Alpha & Mind the Gap
Every year we run Alpha courses in the evening and sometimes during the day at St John’s Church, Langdon Hills.
Alpha is a 10 week course which gives guests the opportunity to explore the Christian faith. It is a chance to ask questions you may have always wanted to ask or to just look at life a little bit deeper.

Coffee Mornings & Tea
We run a number of coffee mornings/afternoons during the week and Saturday mornings (Lent) and we can provided spiritual support to those who need it.
This is through prayer support or using one of our Listeners who have been specifically trained to support those who request it.
Don't hesitate! We are always there when you need it.

Vintage Messy Church & Rendezvous
Come and experience a fun pack session where you have plenty of tea & coffee plus biscuits, enjoy a craft or game with friends, engage with a short and interesting church service all followed up with a tasty ploughman's lunch and desert.
During the week every Thursday morning Rendezvous is open to those 50+ where you can expect a warm welcome and refreshments.

0-3s Club
Every Monday and Tuesday we run a 0-3s Club for parents/careers to bring their small children along to enjoy music, games, a short talk and a refreshing tea & coffee with biscuits.
It is all for a £1 donation and hopefully a great time to meet up with others.

Ladies Breakfast
Do come along to a fantastic morning starting with a bountiful and healthy breakfast! We have in the past lined up some engaging speakers which have enthralled and encourage us through their mission and real-life challenges.
So if you want a little pampering by our wonderful men waiters, the chance to hear some great music and inspirational speakers make sure you keep an eye out for the next venue - watch this space.

Sensory Garden
Our church has been blessed with a Sensory garden plot, at the Langdon Hills Nature Reserve. This is an exciting opportunity to become involved, and continue our worship in the community. The plot has been divided, with a section available for each church ~ and we welcome you to join-in with this project, in a beautiful spot.
We are very fortunate to have this green space, wildlife & peacefulness on our doorstep. Please help us to continue to grow in fellowship, through this garden.
We would welcome practical help, donations of plants and fundraising ideas; so that we can all benefit from this special place. 🌿
Please do pop down and visit the garden, which is adjacent to the car park/picnic area, and just along the pathway towards the lake.
(Look out for the central Magnolia tree in our plot!)
Please keep this new venture in your prayers, and speak to Perry Childs (St.John’s) and/or Sally Butler (St.Mary’s) for more information.