Rev Jeremy Noles, Rector
My name is Jeremy and it is my privilege to be Rector of St Mary’s and St John’s Churches here in the Parish of Langdon Hills.
A Rector is just a slightly different job title to Vicar but essentially means the same thing!
We have two services every Sunday - a more traditional service at 9am at St Mary’s, and a contemporary and more lively service at 11am at St John’s. At St John’s we also have special activities for children during the service, though on the first Sunday of every month, all ages stay together for a shorter service. If you’d like to come along to either service you can be sure of a warm welcome.
We also have many activities that take place throughout the week. These include:
- 0-3s Club for parents/carers and children up to 3 years of age
- Rendezvous for over 50s
- Tea and Chat
- Men United, providing regular events for men, including breakfast on the first Saturday of every month
- Beautiful Believers - our ladies group providing an opportunity for ladies to connect and socialise, including monthly Meditation & Mingle
- Our monthly Community Walk, usually on the 4th Saturday of every month, starting at 9.30am from St John's
- Small Groups for adults - meeting in homes or at St John’s Church, offering a chance to meet, explore the Bible, support and pray for one another, grow in faith and have fun!
- The Alpha Course - a great way to explore faith in a relaxed environment, usually running twice every year
There are also a range of other occasional events. Keep an eye on our Events page for further information about these.
A great way to keep in touch with everything that’s going on is to sign up to receive our weekly news email. You can do so by clicking here.
If you’d like to know more about any aspect of our church life please feel to get in touch with me by clicking here. I’d be happy to chat with you either in person, by phone or on a Sunday.
We look forward to meeting you on a Sunday or at some other time.
Rev Jeremy Noles
Rector of St Mary’s and St John’s