NexGen, a free kids club for 7 to 11 year olds has now started at St John’s!
The club will run from 6pm - 8pm on the last Saturday of each month, next club is on Saturday 28th September.
Club evenings will involve structured activities, games, crafts and more for the kids to enjoy, have fun and make new friends.
There will be a tuck shop for the children, and tea and coffee for parents if they choose to stay while the club is running.
If you would like more information or would like to register your child, please feel free to talk to Kate or Keith on Sundays or contact Church Administrator Nikki.
Registration forms and a sign up list are also available at both churches on Sundays.
Curious to find out more? Our new Spring Alpha course will be starting in May 2024
Alpha Launch Event
The Launch event is on Thursday 9th May - 7.30pm, at St John’s – Theme “Is there more to life than this?”
Alpha Course:
The course then starts on Thursday 16th May, at 7.30pm and every Thursday after that until the 18th July, at St John’s. We’ll start each evening with puddings, tea and coffee, so please eat dinner before you come!
See our Alpha Page for a video clip and some more information
Everyone is welcome
Contact our Church Administrator Nikki for more details & to book your place– stjohnsca@gmail.comor 07720 089260
The Parish Annual Meetings (AMP and APCM), will take place on Sunday 28th April at 12.30pm at St John's Church, immediately following the 11am service.
These are important meetings where churchwardens and other PCC (church council) members are elected.
We will be aiming to elect:
Four churchwardens (two per church) for 1 year terms
So far we have received 3 nominations (2 for St Mary’s and 1 for St John’s)
Four PCC members
The PCC is our Church Council, which works with our Rector and churchwardens in making decisions about various aspects of church life.
The commitment involved is usually 6 meetings per year (every other month on a Monday evening), as well as any responsibilities you offer to take on.
We have the following PCC vacancies.
For the period 2024-2027, three vacancies
For the period 2024-2025, one vacancy
So far we have received 0 nominations for PCC
One Deanery Synod Representative for a 2 year term
Deanery Synod is a regular meeting of representatives of C of E churches in the Basildon area (the deanery). Issues concerning the Church of England both in Basildon and more widely are discussed and decisions are made. In addition to the PCC meetings (see above) you would also be expected (when possible) to attend Deanery Synod meetings (3 per year) so that we, as a parish have a voice in what happens in our deanery.
So far we have received 0 Deanery Synod nominations
The nomination forms for churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod representatives are on the welcome desks at both churches. The deadline for the nominations is 20th April. Once the forms have been completed, please give them to Nikki or Jeremy. You must be on the Church Electoral Roll to be nominated.
Church Electoral Roll
The Church Electoral Roll (our official ‘membership list’) is also being revised between the 31st March and the 13th April. If you are not on the Electoral Roll but would like to be, please let Nikki know and she will send you the form to be completed. Forms will also be available on the welcome desks. If you want or need your name to be removed, or your details amended (i.e., address updated), then you just need to email me with the info.
The Electoral Roll will then be displayed in both churches from the 14th April until the meetings on 28th April.
Notices have been posted at both churches on all of the above, and PCC/Churchwarden/Deanery Synod nomination forms are also available on the welcome desks, or can be emailed to you by Nikki (upon request)