Donations of Harvest goods will be gratefully received at this service. We ask that they be non perishable as they will be given to the Community Resource Centre for food parcels for the homeless. Donations may also be made at the service at 9am at St Mary’s on the same day. Many thanks
Everyone welcome to come along and support this worthy cause. There’ll be fun activities, a raffle and, of course, lots of cakes!
Every pound we raise will help make sure MacMillan nurses will be able to provide a constant source of support for people facing cancer in Essex and across the UK.
Donations of cakes and raffle prizes would be very much appreciated. Please bring them along to St John’s the day before or on the day itself. Thank you.
For more information please contact: Anne Rogers ( or Gaynor Carter (
This church welcomes children of the age of seven and above to receive Holy Communion, the body and blood of Christ, providing
Ron Gough
All Welcome
Service 11am
St. John’s Church
Sunday 16th June
Stories, craft, songs
Loads of gifts to be bought:
Please help support our local Hospice
All Enquiries: Ruth Booth 01268 416561
20th Dec – We will enjoy a little Christmas service during our usual morning gathering