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Mind The Gap

We will be running a Mind The Gap session on

Thursday 12th January 2023

Starts 7.15pm (for 7.30pm start) to 9.30pm  at St John’s Church, Forest Glade.

For info and to book a place please contact our Church Administrator Nikki.

Phone: 07720 089260 or Email:

There will be a meal followed by a short talk , and then opportunity for group discussions.

Reverend Jeremy Noles will be talking on:  IS THERE MORE TO LIFE THAN THIS? 

All are welcome, why not bring a friend!


Christingle Services on Sat 24th December

We will be holding 3 Christingle Services on Christmas Eve.

Always a family favourite, exploring the message of Christmas through the Christingle and raising money for the Children’s Society.
Please join us as we celebrate God’s wonderful love for each and every one of us.
This year we will be holding services at both St Mary’s & St John’s.

St Mary’s Church (Near Miller & Carter)


4PM  (will be streamed online as well)

St John’s Church (Forest Glade)  






Advent Carol Service By Candlelight – Sunday 27th November

Please join us for our first Christmas Service at

St Mary’s Church  (Nr Miller & Carter) on

Sunday 27th November – 6PM

We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful historic Church.

Community Christmas Carol Walk 2024

Please join us for carol singing and refreshments on our Community Christmas Carol Walk.

We will be meeting at St John's at 10am on Saturday 14th of December, then taking a gentle walk down to the Langdon Nature Discovery Visitor Centre where we will be singing a selection of traditional and well-loved Carols.

If you are driving to the Visitor Centre we should be there at around 10.30am.  Centre SAT NAV code is SS16 6EB

On our return to St John’s there will be a chance to warm up with a hot drink and mince pies.
A great event for family & friends, perfect for getting you into the Christmas spirit!
Please dress up warm (Christmas jumpers and hats definitely encouraged)
Looking forward to seeing you.

Community Hub – Saturdays from 1pm-3pm

Everybody is welcome to enjoy FREE warm snacks , refreshments and other treats at our Community Hub.

This will take place at St John's Church, Forest Glade  (Postcode SS16 6RX)

Every Saturday from 27th January - 1pm to 3pm  

Community Hub is a safe place to chat and meet other folks.

Why not join us as we gather together to enjoy warm food, great hospitality and meet new friends!

For further information, please contact Sally Butler at


Christmas Services 2022

Please do join us to celebrate Christmas. We have many services taking place at both St Mary's & St John's.

St Mary's ( Nr Miller and Carter)

Sunday 27th November at 6PM - Advent Carol Service by Candlelight

Sunday 18th December at 6:30PM - 9 Lessons and Carols

Christmas Eve - Christingle Services at 2PM & 4PM (also online), Midnight Communion at 11:30PM

St John's ( Forest Glade)

Sunday 18th December at 11AM - All Age Christmas Service

Christmas Eve - Christingle Service at 6PM **NEW**

Christmas Day - Family Service at 10:30AM


Wishing you and your families a very Happy Christmas and New Year

Memorial Service – 6th November 2022

Memorial Service St Mary’s Sunday 6th November at 3pm

An opportunity to remember loved ones.  Fill in a request card on arrival to have the name read out during the service.  If you are unable to be at the service, Memorial name cards for you to complete are available at both St Mary’s and St John’s together with an envelope for their collection.


Giving In Grace Update

Thank you so much for all your responses to our Giving in Grace stewardship campaign earlier in the year. It has taken a little while to accurately assess all of the responses and changes to giving, but in summary, there has been an overall increase in regular monthly giving (including Gift Aid) of £1062 per month, which equates to £12,744 per year!

We are very grateful to all who responded and for your generosity, which will help to enable all that we believe God is calling us to do here in the parish.

For further information about the responses, and information about how you can respond if you weren’t able to at the time of the campaign, please click on the attached link:

And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need,you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

With love in Christ,

Revd Jeremy Noles


Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll 2021-2022

We are currently updating our Electoral Roll, if you are not currently on the electoral roll or would like to amend your entry on the electoral roll then please in the first instance email Nikki (Parish Administrator)

Good Friday Meditations

3 Meditations for Good Friday

In a normal year we open St Mary’s church for 3 hours between noon and 3pm, the hours when Jesus was on the cross. We offer a series of meditations followed by silence. We cannot open the church this year but below are links to 3 meditations for you to use in your own time, as you think upon Jesus death on the cross. Each meditation includes a bible reading followed by a reflection from Colin. (The length is indicated in brackets).

Jesus arrested: John 18: 1-27 (10 minutes)!Au3–5UP8oAdgp1lMZu6k_qscgbTSQ?e=HAi0wE

Jesus before Pilate: Mark 15:1-15 (5 minutes)!Au3–5UP8oAdgp1kqsCtCyFkKgjz-g?e=inO2gp

Jesus is dead: John 19:31-42 (6 minutes)!Au3–5UP8oAdgp1j9aONvrQsyxrz9g?e=hyQQP9