During Lent this year we will be engaging in a whole-church programme called 40 Days of Prayer. This will include Sunday teaching through sermons, and also midweek sessions which we will be encouraging everyone in small groups to attend in place of normal small group meetings.
The course will run for 6 weeks at St John's Church ( Postcode SS16 6RX)
There are signup sheets at both Churches or you can contact our Parish Administrator Nikki - Email stjohnsca@gmail.com or phone 07720 08926
To get the most out of the programme we are encouraging everyone to purchase a 40 Days of Prayer workbook, which contains everything you will need for the programme, including the study guide for each small group session, daily prayer prompts, space for weekly sermon notes, and suggestions for further study. The workbook costs £12 and we will be placing a bulk order soon. If you would like to purchase a workbook, please let Nikki Hall or your small group leader know, including how you would prefer to pay. Payment can be made online direct to the church bank account, for which the details are as follows:
Account name: PCC of LANGDON HILLS
Sort code: 20-04-96
Account number: 40691690
Reference: LENT+your name
This is the preferred method, but you can pay by cash on Sundays if paying online is not possible for you. If you’d like a copy but the cost would be difficult for you, please speak to Jeremy in confidence.
We will also be creating a prayer room in the chapel at St John’s for anyone to spend time in during Lent. 40 Days of Prayer will be a great opportunity for all of us to deepen our prayer life during Lent, so we’d encourage everyone to engage in the programme in every way possible.
Please join us for our Christmas Services as we enter the Advent season and celebrate the Birth of Jesus
St Mary’s Church - High Rd, Nr Miller & Carter Restaurant - SS16 6HY
Sunday 3rd December - 9am Advent Carols and Communion
Sunday 17th December - 6:30pm Carols by Candlelight
St John’s Church , Forest Glade – SS16 6RX
Sunday 3rd December - 11am All Age Advent Service
Christmas Eve – St Mary’s Church - SS16 6HY
2:00pm Christingle *
4:00pm Christingle (most popular, doors closed when full!) * This service will be streamed live
11:30pm Midnight Communion
Christmas Eve – St John’s Church - SS16 6RX
6:00pm Christingle *
Please note there will be no 11am morning service at St John's on Christmas Eve.
* Our Christingles services are always a family favourite, exploring the message of Christmas through the Christingle and raising money for the Children’s Society.
Christmas Day – St John’s Church - SS16 6RX
10.30am Christmas Day Family Service - Bring a present to show everyone plus best Christmas jumper competition - Wear yours with pride!
We look forward to welcoming you
Please join us for our Memorial Service
St Mary’s Church
High Road, Langdon Hills, SS16 6HY
Sunday 5th November
3.00 p.m.
A very special opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away, and to light a candle in their memory.
Everyone is welcome.
NexGen, a free kids club for 7 to 11 year olds has now started at St John’s!
The club will run from 6pm - 8pm on the last Saturday of each month, next club is on Saturday 28th September.
Club evenings will involve structured activities, games, crafts and more for the kids to enjoy, have fun and make new friends.
There will be a tuck shop for the children, and tea and coffee for parents if they choose to stay while the club is running.
If you would like more information or would like to register your child, please feel free to talk to Kate or Keith on Sundays or contact Church Administrator Nikki.
Registration forms and a sign up list are also available at both churches on Sundays.
You can also email Kate and Keith directly – nexgenkidsclub@gmail.com
Curious to find out more? Our new Spring Alpha course will be starting in May 2024
Alpha Launch Event
The Launch event is on Thursday 9th May - 7.30pm, at St John’s – Theme “Is there more to life than this?”
Alpha Course:
The course then starts on Thursday 16th May, at 7.30pm and every Thursday after that until the 18th July, at St John’s. We’ll start each evening with puddings, tea and coffee, so please eat dinner before you come!
See our Alpha Page for a video clip and some more information
Contact our Church Administrator Nikki for more details & to book your place– stjohnsca@gmail.com or 07720 089260
Join us for a fun day out at our Summer Fair
Date : Saturday 8th July
From : 10am -3pm
Lots of stalls , activities , food and more...
Help us to raise funds for the Parish and our Pre-school
We look forward to seeing you
Please join us for our first Quiz Night of 2023
Date - Saturday 13th May
Time - Arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start
Place - St Johns Church , Forest Glade , SS16 6RX
Entry is £5 per person ( Max 8 per table)
Bring your own drinks and nibbles
Games & Raffle on the night
Please book your place in advance by contacting Nikki - email - stjohnsca@gmail.com