Category Archive New Events

Youth @ St John’s – Alpha Youth series next session Sunday 9th March

All young people secondary school age and above are welcome to join us at St John's Church, Forest Glade , SS16 6RX

When  - Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Evening

Next Session - Sunday 9th March

Time  - From 6.30pm - 8.30pm

What happens ?

There are sports & games for around 30-45 mins (table tennis , hockey, volleyball etc) then food together, which might be Pizza's or hot dogs etc. Please let us know of any food allergies. After this we have some time for faith discussions together.

We are currently running the new Alpha Youth series for the faith discussions. It's an all new programme running over 10 sessions looking at various topics relating to life and faith.

Even if you miss a few sessions due to other commitments  it's not a problem as we can send you the video links.

Click the link to watch the Alpha Youth Trailer

We would love you to join us - everyone is friendly and it's a great chance to meet new people, have fun and talk together.

Please contact Nikki Hall - or text 07720 089260 for more info or you can just pop along. 

Lent Course – 40 Days In The Word – Starts on Thurs 6th March

During Lent this year we will be engaging in a whole-church programme called 40 Days In The Word. This will include Sunday teaching through sermons. We will be encouraging those in small groups to attend in place of normal small group meetings and we would love to see those not in small groups joining us too.

The course will run for 6 weeks at St John's Church, Forest Glade, Langdon Hills , SS16 6RX

There are signup sheets at both Churches or you can contact our Parish Administrator Nikki -  Email or phone  07720 08926

Evening sessions start Thursday 6th March @ 7.15pm tea/coffee for 7.30 start

Please speak to Rev Jeremy if you are interested in a daytime group.

To get the most out of the programme we are encouraging everyone to purchase a 40 Days In The Word workbook, which contains everything you will need for the programme, including the study guide for each small group session, space for weekly sermon notes, and suggestions for further study. The workbook costs £7.65 and we will be placing a bulk order on 24th February (so please order by 23rd Feb at the latest!). If you would like to purchase a workbook, please let Nikki Hall or your small group leader know, including how you would prefer to pay. Payment can be made online direct to the church bank account, for which the details are as follows:

Account name: PCC of LANGDON HILLS
Sort code: 20-04-96
Account number: 40691690
Reference: LENT

This is the preferred method, but you can pay by cash on Sundays if paying online is not possible for you. If you’d like a copy but the cost would be difficult for you, please speak to Jeremy in confidence.

40 Days In The Word will be a great opportunity for all of us to deepen our biblical knowledge during Lent, so we’d encourage everyone to engage in the programme in every way possible.



Baptism & Confirmation for Adults

Please let Rev Jeremy know if you are interested in being baptized, confirmed or reaffirming your baptism vows

Baptism Service:
Easter Sunday, 20th April
at St John’s

Confirmation Service:
Sunday 4th May
at St Andrew’s Church, Basildon

Spring Fair at St John’s – Saturday 15th March

Please join us at our Spring Fair taking place on

Saturday 15th March from 10am - 2pm

St Johns Church , Forest Glade , SS16 6RX

Free entry and fun for the whole family

  • Stalls
  • Easter Activities
  • Retelling of the Easter Story
  • Raffle
  • Refreshments

and much more...

Raising money for St John's Church and Preschool & St Mary's Church 

We look forward to seeing you

Beautiful Believers – Monthly Meditation Evenings – Friday 21st March

In 2025 , Beautiful Believers will be hosting our relaxing monthly meditation evenings

These ladies only evenings will run at St John’s Church, SS16 6RX on 

        Friday 21st March   *** This is a change to the previously advertised date

        Tuesday 1st April

        Tuesday 13th May

        Tuesday 10th June

        Friday 11th July

  Arrive 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start

The evening is relaxed and informal , consisting  of a 30 minute Christian guided meditation in the main hall with tea and coffee served afterwards for a friendly chat in the coffee bar.

Please bring anything that will help with your comfort during the meditation like a pillow, blanket, floor mat etc..

For more information please contact  Amy 07712 471451 or Sharifa 07740 406480

These are free events but donations are welcome towards the Beautiful Believers hardship fund

Why not join our WhatsApp group by contacting Amy or Sharifa or follow us on Facebook "Beautiful Believers Langdon Hills" to find out about future events.

We look forward to meeting you.



Community Walk – Saturday 22nd March

Community Walk

We are blessed in Langdon Hills to have so much beautiful nature on our doorstep. God’s wonder is truly all around us. Please join us for a lovely walk through the woods to Langdon Nature Discovery Centre every 4th Saturday of the month (weather permitting). Meeting outside St John’s Church at 9.30am, the gentle stroll gives us the opportunity to chat and admire the changing seasons as we wander down to the Sensory Garden and then stop for refreshments at the Discovery Centre, which is a perfect opportunity to connect with the local community.

If you would prefer to meet us at the Langdon Nature Discovery Centre for coffee, we will be there at approx 10am. The Post code for the centre is SS16 6EB.

The next Community Walk is scheduled for -

Saturday 22nd March 2025 -

Everyone is welcome.

Good non slip walking shoes and warm clothing is recommended for the Autumn and Winter walks.

Please get in touch here for more information.


Enjoying our Community Walk

A well deserved coffee at the visitor centre!

St John's Church Gardens

Church volunteers have now taking over looking after the gardens at St John's Church. If you would like to join a small team of friendly helpers please get in touch here.

Sunday Streaming Church Service

Our St Mary's service continues to be broadcast online.

When you follow the link you will be taken to a youtube page. You do NOT need to have or create a youtube account to view the video. To watch go to the videos section and click on the video you want.  Previous services will also be there.

You can find the service in the video section by following this Link

If you would like an order of service follow this Link


Hebrews 13v16:

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

In these troubling times which is causing anxiety for many, it’s time to reach-out and support one another.

We want to encourage people to join a new WhatsApp group ‘Reaching-Out’ to provide a simple way to connect folks so that they can ask for support, ministry, advice or give your time to support others.  You just need to give us your name and mobile details.

We also are encouraging folks to subscribe on our website so you can receive information directly on what’s happening in our church.

Don’t feel you are alone – our church wants to help.

Please hand your details to one of our church wardens or email or text 07470 127533


Our Prayer List

If you wish a name to remain or you want to add a new name to the prayer list

Please email Nikki Hall

St John’s Childcare

Places available now!  Call or email for more details

We run:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Preschool
  • After preschool club (Preschool age only)
  • Holiday club with a range of activities

We offer funded places to 2,3 and 4 years old

We offer up to 30 hours funded childcare subject to meeting criteria

St John’s Church, Forest Glade, Langdon Hills, SS16 6RX

01268 490400

Opening times 7:30am to 6pm